Precautions for Using Embroidery Machines

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Embroidery machines are sophisticated tools that require careful attention to various operational factors to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Whether you're a seasoned operator or new to the world of embroidery, understanding and adhering to specific guidelines is essential for maintaining a smooth production process and safeguarding both the equipment and personnel. Here, FUJA embroidery provide comprehensive precautions and considerations tailored to maximize the efficiency and safety of embroidery machine usage.

1. Environmental Temperature and Humidity

Embroidery machines require specific environmental conditions. The temperature should be between 5°C and 35°C, with a relative humidity of 45% to 85% (without condensation). High temperatures may lead to difficulty in heat dissipation, overheating of electrical components, and decreased reliability of computer controls. Dry air can generate static electricity, damaging integrated circuits, while overly humid air can cause oxidation, corrosion, and short circuits in the computer control system, as well as increase thread breakage rates, affecting production efficiency.

2. Ventilation

Place the embroidery machine in a well-ventilated area to prevent malfunctions and ensure normal production. Avoid clutter around the control box to facilitate heat dissipation.

3. Dust Prevention

Dust can cause wear on exposed rails and bearings, as well as interfere with the operation of the computer when it enters the control box. Therefore, maintaining a clean environment and controlling dust entry into the workshop are essential. Employ dust prevention measures such as regular vacuuming, wearing slippers during operation, covering the machine with breathable fabric when not in use, and periodic dusting (cleaning inside the control box should be done 2 to 3 minutes after cutting off power using a soft brush or blow dryer).

4. Power Supply Selection

To ensure safe operation, avoid sharing the same power source with heavy loads such as high-power electrical equipment or welding machines. In areas with significant power fluctuations (exceeding the rated voltage ±10% for single-phase 220VAC or three-phase 400VAC), a power stabilizer is necessary. The power supply should exceed the power consumption of the embroidery machine to prevent operational issues.

5. Electrical Safety

  • Use concealed wiring or conduits (such as metal or flame-retardant plastic) to connect the power supply to the embroidery machine.
  • Select switches and plugs with CCC certification marks for reliable power connections.
  • Ensure the embroidery machine is grounded properly with a resistance ≤10Ω using copper core wires with a cross-sectional area of no less than 2.5 mm², adjusting based on the length of the grounding wire.

6. Grounding

Proper grounding can resolve issues such as radio frequency interference, system crashes, and misalignment. Utilize effective shielding and grounding measures.

7. Power On/Off

Avoid frequent power cycling; wait at least 3 minutes between shutdowns to prevent overheating or overloading the computer control system, ensuring the machine's longevity and normal operation.

8. Fuse Replacement

Strictly adhere to the specified fuse ratings. Contact service personnel promptly if the fuse appears blackened to ensure safety.

9. Sunlight Exposure

Direct sunlight can damage LCD screens or cause beam deformation, resulting in thread or needle breakage. Implement sunshade measures to prevent sunlight exposure.

10. Lightning Protection

Employ lightning protection measures during thunderstorms to prevent damage to the computer control system, ensuring safety until power is disconnected.

11. Operation

  • Prior to initial use or machine relocation, measure the external power supply voltage with a multimeter to ensure compatibility. After connecting the embroidery machine to the power supply, confirm that the terminal voltage matches the specified value.
  • Only trained personnel should operate the embroidery machine to ensure safe and proper usage. Avoid touching mechanical drive components or opening the control box during operation to prevent damage to the equipment or operator.
  • When using the thread breakage detection switch, operate it gently to avoid damage and prolong its lifespan.
  • Insert disks in the correct orientation to prevent damage to the disk drive. Avoid removing disks while they are being read, as this can severely damage the disk and drive. Use high-quality disks and store them away from magnetic fields and moisture to prevent damage and data loss.

12. Machine Inactivity

  • Before restarting after prolonged inactivity, ensure moisture prevention by drying circuit boards with a hairdryer and checking for signs of moisture.
  • Clean and lubricate mechanical drive components, especially rust-prone areas.
  • Periodically power on the machine for 2 to 3 hours every 2 to 3 days to prevent moisture buildup, and check signal connectors, power wiring connections, and insulation integrity, especially during the rainy season in southern China.

13. Use of Specialized Parts

Always use specialized parts to avoid expanding the scope of faults, causing unnecessary damage, and affecting machine performance and lifespan.

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